Spoilers and me

This post contains spoilers for almost every movie I discuss here.

Cassian Andor
3 min readMay 8, 2021

One day I thought of starting Star Wars because I can’t get enough of its fan base and the new movie The Rise of Skywalker releasing 2 months from then and clogging up my Instagram feed. Then I downloaded every Star Wars movie. I started The New Hope. I watched the movie for about one-hour stopping just after Obi-Wan and Luke were standing on the cliff overlooking Mos Eisley. Then I went for dinner, there I was discussing the one-hour movie I saw and told my friend who watched all movies. He watched them a long time ago, so he can’t remember their names as I told Luke he said ‘Oh Darth Vader’s son’ without any oversight for consequences. My experience for the greatest Plot twist in Hollywood is ruined. I completed the movie. Then I watched a series called Pitch meetings on Youtube where he discusses the movie’s weaknesses and strengths as a screenwriter who was pitching the movie to the producer. There he mentioned how Darth Vader can’t sense that Leia is her daughter and Luke kissed Leia. My experience with the twist in the third movie is also ruined.

The illustration belongs to HELLOGREEDO

Then I started Prequels. To be frank I didn’t like the prequels at all. I completed them half-heartedly waiting for the sequels which have good VFX and not cringe. But I saw The Last Jedi instead of The Force Awakens because of the confusion created by the episode numbers. I saw that movie without a single doubt that it is the wrong movie. They were calling the main characters with absolute familiarity. I thought maybe the director wants to introduce them like known characters. I learned that Han Solo died and the emotional response to the death of Han has also diluted. I saw The Force Awakens, and The Rise of Skywalker in the theatre even though the theatre crew canceled the show as there is no one to watch the movie because of the less popularity of Star Wars in India.

I was spoiled Fight Club while watching a pitch meeting for Joker. I was spoiled EndGame’ just the day before release because of a leaked video of the film. I had tickets for the movie the next day. But I couldn’t resist 2 hours thinking the surprise will be the same in both cases but the experience is different. I watched Cap lifting Mjolnir without any excitement on my face. I can’t be spoiled Wanda Vision as there are no spoilers. But I was so scared that I will be spoiled by the online theories. I had been spoiled ‘Walter White’s death from a fan-made Breaking Bad Video.

Even though I got spoiled almost every twist, nothing can top the feeling of seeing the Baby Yoda in the first season of The Mandalorian Even though the series is based on nostalgia and is not a critically acclaimed work, I watch it because I may get that feeling again.

This is my first post please excuse any structural flaws in the post.

